Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What I need to do

This post is more of a brainstorming/to-do list/mental note thing than a real post, but I figure this is as good a place to put it as anywhere. Anyway, I'm planning to make several small changes in my life. You see, my life is almost pretty good. By that I mean that with a few changes, it would be pretty good. Here are the things I need to do at some point.

1. Box up my CD's and put them into storage. I'm not getting rid of them, but I don't need them in my room any more.

2. Go through video games, computer games, DVD's and books and determine which ones I really don't plan on using. If it's just going to take up space, I might as well get rid of it and maybe make some money.

3. Check with Snap Fitness and other gyms to see whether they would be a good fit, pun not intended. I need to get more active, and an hour after work a few times a week may be the thing.

4. Check with local schools as to what it would take to get an accounting degree. I've thought about getting that as a backup option in case computers aren't my thing and my creative job ideas (musician, author, that sort of thing) don't pan out.

5. Pick up conditioner, black socks, and maybe some anti-itch stuff for my scalp. I'm really getting sick of itching, and H&S doesn't seem to do the trick.

6. Get my cell phone issue taken care of. Damn cracked screen.

7. Ask for May 30th off for Britt's birthday thing. At the BBC in Milwaukee, if you (whoever you are) are interested.

8. Write more on my two in-progress stories. This would be the final episode of Falling From Grace and my top-secret project that will only see the light of day when it is complete, if then. I'll be damned if I'm going to start that in public and not finish.

9. Write some poetry/songs about my past relationships as a way to kind of exorcise demons. After all, having two of my 3.5 exes getting pregnant within a month of going out with me is noteworthy. "Hey, you want to have a kid but not have me as the father? I've got a 50% track record!"

That's all for now, but I'm sure more will crop up in time.

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