Saturday, July 18, 2009


So yeah, I haven't put much in here lately. Stuff has actually happened, but I've been too busy/out of it/lazy to post. What's on my mind lately?

Finally almost done with Falling From Grace. Two or three more chapters and it'll be finished, and I can move on. I'm happy I did it, but I'm ready to do something else.

Ron Bon moved out in May. She was unhappy with her job, school, and life in general, and she was offered full-time back home. Of course, one of her recent posts was how she wants to find a new job, so there you have it.

I'm moving into an efficiency apartment from my 2-bedroom. It should work out fine, as long as everything fits, which I think it should.

Every time I see Gloria posting something on MySpace or Facebook about how happy she is with Nathan, it makes me wish that I was the Nathan she meant.

Took third in a Magic booster draft today. Didn't win anything for it, but still pretty cool. I'm hanging out Saturdays at a card shop in New Berlin still. Found it after Sharalynn found me on Yahoo Personals, hung out, then got together with the guy she'd been trying to go out with before or something. Whatever, at least I have a place to play.

My Foreman Grill rocks! Which reminds me I need to pick up more chicken fillets next time I go shopping.

I'm thinking about going for a new car next month. I'll check what's out there, what my trade-in would be, and what my bank accounts will be like and who knows? Maybe I'll have a car with a working gas gauge for a change.

No relationships on the horizon. Granted, I'm not really trying right now, but it'd be nice if a girl just fell into my lap. I mean, without having to pay cash for it.

New desk at work. Closer to everyone else, so that's cool. The guy I was next to in my old desk got moved to days, so I'm not actually any farther from any night shifter.

Maybe when I have a free Monday again, I'll have someone look at my back. It's really been bugging me lately. Of course, the odds of that actually happening are slim, but I feel better saying that I'll actually do something about my health from time to time.

I'm tired. I got up early and didn't go to bed any earlier than usual. I've been up since 11, and I've been ready for bed since I got up. Ah well, almost there.

Made a list of 29 things I want to do now that I've turned 29. I've posted it elsewhere, but it's really just a bunch of things I've been meaning to do for a while. If anyone's interested, I may post it later.

Going to Nebraska over Labor Day Weekend to meet Daria folks. Should be fun. I'll finally get to meet a lady with whom I've been having a semi-fake relationship on the boards and chat. By semi-fake, I mean I know we're just goofing around, but if she wasn't in another country and actually clicked with me in person, I would ask her out in a heartbeat.

Well, that's enough random thoughts for now. 45 minutes until I get to go home. My pillow has been calling for me all day, and I'm about to answer its call.

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